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Another issue for avoiding repairs Tue, 23 Oct 2018 18:03:51 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/bluecollar-demo/?p=303 For example, at higher latitudes, even a clean rain gutter can suddenly build up an ice dam in winter, forcing melt water.

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For example, at higher latitudes, even a clean rain gutter can suddenly build up an ice dam in winter, forcing melt water into unprotected roofing, resulting in leaks or even flooding inside walls or rooms. This can be prevented by installing moisture barrier beneath the roofing tiles. A wary home-owner should be alert to the conditions that can result in larger problems and take remedial action before damage or injury occurs. It may be easier to tack down a bit of worn carpet than repair a large patch damaged by prolonged misuse.

Another example is to seek out the source of unusual noises or smells when mechanical, electrical or plumbing systems are operating—sometimes they indicate incipient problems. One should avoid overloading or otherwise misusing systems, and a recurring overload may indicate time for an upgrade.

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Examples of home maintenance Tue, 23 Oct 2018 18:02:57 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/bluecollar-demo/?p=301 That should be regularly forecast and budgeted include repainting or staining outdoor wood or metal, repainting masonry.

The post Examples of home maintenance appeared first on PRO Fixer Dubai l Plumbing l AC & More Services.

That should be regularly forecast and budgeted include repainting or staining outdoor wood or metal, repainting masonry, waterproofing masonry, cleaning out septic systems, replacing sacrificial electrodes in water heaters, replacing old washing machine hoses (preferably with stainless steel hoses less likely to burst and cause a flood), and other home improvements such as replacement of obsolete or ageing systems with limited useful lifetimes (water heaters, wood stoves, pumps, and asphaltic or wooden roof shingles and siding.

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Periodic maintenance also falls under Tue, 23 Oct 2018 17:54:57 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/bluecollar-demo/?p=296 These are inspections, adjustments, cleaning, or replacements that should be done regularly to ensure proper functioning.

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These are inspections, adjustments, cleaning, or replacements that should be done regularly to ensure proper functioning of all the systems in a house, and to avoid costly emergencies. Examples include annual testing and adjustment of alarm systems, central heating or cooling systems (electrodes, thermocouples, and fuel filters), replacement of water treatment components or air-handling filters, purging of heating radiators and water tanks, defrosting a freezer, vacuum refrigerator coils, refilling dry floor-drain traps with water, cleaning out rain gutters, down spouts and drains, touching up worn house paint and weather seals, and cleaning accumulated creosote out of chimney flues, which may be best left to a chimney sweep.

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Perhaps the most perplexing repairs Tue, 23 Oct 2018 17:46:56 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/bluecollar-demo/?p=294 In today's era of built-in obsolescence for many products, it is often more convenient to replace something rather than attempt.

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In today’s era of built-in obsolescence for many products, it is often more convenient to replace something rather than attempt to repair it. A repairman is faced with the tasks of accurately identifying the problem, then finding the materials, supplies, tools and skills necessary to sufficiently effect the repair. Some things, such as broken windows, appliances or furniture can be carried to a repair shop, but there are many repairs that can be performed easily enough, such as patching holes in plaster and drywall, cleaning stains, repairing cracked windows and their screens, or replacing a broken electrical switch or outlet.

Other repairs may have some urgency, such as a broken water pipes, broken doors, latches or windows, or a leaky roof or water tank, and this factor can certainly justify calling for professional help. A home handyman may become adept at dealing with such immediate repairs, to avoid further damage or loss, until a professional can be summoned.

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